Arena Animation (previously known as Arena Multimedia), a unit of Aptech Ltd., in Ranchi situated at Circular Road, a prime location of Ranchi City. This institution was established in the year 1997 and it has been running successfully since its inception.
Being leaders in the Animation, VFX, Gaming, Web & Graphics Design training space, we take our responsibilities as trainers & career makers very seriously. We set in training standards with Responsibility, Competence, Integrity & High Standards.
Creating Winning Careers Since 1997
Holistic Placement Methodology
Leaders In Quality Education
Placements is the key motive for pursuing a course with us for most students. We take this dimension of our delivery very seriously and have won "The Highest Placement Award" for many years. Our students have been placed in some of the Top Studios, Production Houses, Advertising Agencies and Web Design Companies in India.